commission junction affiliate program

it is really tough to earn money online these days. you will have to work too much to gain a knowledge and money on internet. if you don't know too much about html, php and .net even then you can make money. what you will have to do is to join a commission website. you just make an account as a publisher and get link from the website. if you can sell product then you will get a % commission of the sale. the percentage commission will be mentioned on the website that how much you will be paid. this commission website will pay you via cheque. when you will reach the minimum payout then you will be paid at the address you have mentioned in the website. there are lot of affiliate program which do pay money for sale and lead. but the best one that i could see was the commission junction.
Is is very tough to sell product online but it is easy to make people sign up. making people sign up is called lead and they also pay for that. when you will lead a people to sing up through you link or banner provided by the advertiser you will get a commission for that. you can put the link if you have website or you can put the code on a blog owned by you.


Anonymous said…
Well I acquiesce in but I about the post should acquire more info then it has.
Shambhu Kumar said…
yes i will give more big and elaborated post about commission junction dear. thanks for the comment you made in my blog.
Anonymous said…
I want not agree on it. I think nice post. Particularly the designation attracted me to read the whole story.
Shambhu Kumar said…
thanks for the comment. i will keep posting the real fact that i faced during my online job program.
Anonymous said…
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