best blog directories

increase traffic of your blog buy submitting it on many directories. there are lot of ways by which you can increase your traffic. i would like to tell you all those things that will help you in improving the traffic of your blog.
1. submit your blog in blog directories, there are lot of blog directories where you can submit your blog and interact with other bloggers. some of blog directories are here
submit your blog to blogcatalog

submit your blog to blogrankings

submit your blog to technorati

submit your blog to feed burner


submit your blog to superblogdirecory

submit your blog to bloglisting

you can see in article below this.join it to earn more and more money of the best way that i would like to tell you to sign up in this directory . here you will have to earn points and and others will visit your blog or your traffic will increase.
3. SEO technique to increase traffic-- if you don't know seo technique then leave me a message in this is one of the best way to get cached in the search engine like google,yahoo,alexa. when you write some article try to have more concentration of a word or tag in your article. try to repeat it to increase traffic of your blog. you can see here an example in 3 point i have written increase traffic,increase traffic of your blog.i have increased the concentration of a specific word increase traffic so if some one searches to increase traffic.then it will be cached first.
4.submit your blog in webmaster tool of google.i have shown all the technique how to submit your blog in webmaster tool of google.


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