Create your customers' avatar | 2nd Webinar
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Knowing your customers is very important. This was the main topic of the 2nd Webinar of Deepak Kankraju sir on Digital marketing. The webinar started exactly at 9:05 PM and ended by 10:30 PM. FOCUS is key to success:- Focus like laser rays. The first thing was to focus on the webinar class. Distraction is a drug in today’s world. The whole business is running on attention. So, everyone wants your attention via phone, message, email, social media or any other mode. But it’s your duty to focus on what you want not what others want. Others want your attention so they try different methods to get your attention. The webinar started with how we can get expertise in certain fields? Obviously the first is the Learning method next is doing method and the most important 3rd is the teaching method. If you teach someone then you learn a lot during teaching. During class, he emphasized on mistakes that we make during our wo...
What did i learn today? With Deepak sir
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How it started? :-Some how on facebook i cam to know about Deepak kankraju. I am keen to learn digital marketing and because of that, I listen to every digital marketer. I started a Free video course on his website and Youtube channel. I could sense from his teaching style that his intent in content was to help people in a growing career as a digital marketer. He made a positive impression on me and learned a lot. He recently launched a webinar on an internship course with an amazing methodology. That if you work on the assignment provided by him then money will be returned per work basis. It was a great webinar and he got great conversion during that webinar. What I learned during this first journey as a digital marketer. 1. Make trust by true value for the customer 2. Give them free content that really helps them in growth 3. Customers should be convinced that you have true potential and so whatever products you are selling will have value. 4. We people don't value fr...
Zurker share holder
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you must be got amazed that you can be share holder of the website. If you are member of Zurker and you have invited your friends then you have stake of this social networking site zurker. Currently this share is not real but when this social networking site will be public you will have those shares in real then. When How it is different from facebook and tweeter? facebook and tweeter is owned by few investors and they are making big money by it. But if you are member of Zurker then you are share holder of this social networking site.You will get the revenue generated by it's site. Isn't it a big idea. Inventor of this social networking site don't want to make money for himself but also for users who is part and parcel of zurker. You are not going to have a check next day you own share of it. But when this will be listed on stock exchange you will have that much amount of shares in your account. Can it go beyond faceboo, tweeter and google+? It is the thing to wait a...
How to increase blog traffic
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I have to put my title like that as a lot of people search for "how to increase blog traffic". Even i used to look for how to increase my blog traffic. As a blogger everyone wants to have a good number of traffic to their blog. I have visited many post related to traffic on blog or how to increase blog traffic. But here i would like to post my experience and how i managed to increase my traffic. What i would request you if u really want to increase traffic is- STRATEGY. We read something and forget about it. So, first thing you must maintain one strategy about about your blog. Now i am posting some points and kindly maintain it for your blog. 1. First and foremost thing that you are posting it for reader not for yourself. So you must post as per user i.e reader requirement. So, see what is the search keyword for your blog. Or by which search words readers are coming on your blog. Make a list of them and post valued and very informative article related to those keywor...
Blog linked to your Google+ account
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It was awesome, i just opened my blogspot and found that i can integrate my blog with Google+ account. You might think what would be effect of it. I think Google is going ahead of facebook in some days in terms of blogger user. If you have a blog associated with blogger then you would love to have more and more visitors/traffic on your blog. I am just describing you how it will give a good benefit to blogger. What does a blogger want for his blog? They always want a good, organic and permanent traffic for the blog. Which encourages them to write more good and original post. if their traffic increases then obviously their revenue from blog will increase.